Why choose Raya?
There can be a lot of differences between holiday entertainment companies around the world. In this page you can find key reasons to why to use Raya on your excursions, diving trips or a scuba courses.
Remember, it is not the days when everything goes smoothly, but the days when something unexpected happens….
Safety, Quality and Fun!

Tourist licenses and other permits are in order.
National Park fees are always paid and tourists registered.
Customer fills all proper medical and liability forms.
Insurance is included on all activities.

Cars and drivers have proper permits to transport tourists.
Only airconditioned minibuses are used.
Seat belts exist and they are used.
Drivers are educated and instructed to drive slowly.

Only vessels in good condition are used.
Daily and monthly safety checks are performed.
Captains, engineers and vessels have proper licenses.
Maximum customer numbers are strictly followed.

Enough life jackets including children sizes always onboard.
First aid equipment is readily available and in good order.
Snorkeling, SUP and diving equipment is good quality.
Regular maintenance if performed to all equipment.

Everyone is first-aid trained and skills are practiced continuously.
Throughout safety briefings are given on all excursion.
All employees has work permit and insurance.
Wide knowledge of the marine environment and sustainability.

Weather development, tropical storms, earthquakes and other disasters are monitored 24/7.
Groups are supervised at all times both above and under the surface.
Customers are calculated several times a day.
Evacuation plans are in place and practiced continuously.
In addition, we will...
- Evaluate weather carefully when planning the daily activities.
- Reschedule trips on bad weather free of charge.
- Teach you how to properly use your equipment.
- Take you to the most interesting area, not just the closest one.
- Have enough guides to guarantee your safety.
- Teach you about the aquatic environment.
- Educate you how to be a responsible traveller.